Online Classes
Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (physics)
Top chefs and Harvard researchers explore how traditional and modernist cooking techniques can illuminate basic principles in chemistry, physics, and engineering. Learn about elasticity, viscosity, mayonnaise, baking, and more!
Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (chemistry)
Top chefs and Harvard researchers explore how everyday cooking and haute cuisine can illuminate basic principles in chemistry, physics, and engineering. Learn about food molecules and how chemical reactions can affect food texture and flavor.
Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes
In Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes, explore the roles that microbes play in the production, preservation, and enhancement of diverse foods in a variety of culinary traditions, and learn about the history of food fermentations.
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- Science and Cooking 2017
- Science and Cooking 2016
- Science and Cooking 2015
- Science and Cooking 2014
- Science and Cooking 2013
- Science and Cooking 2012
- Science and Cooking 2011
- Online Classes